Sunday, May 4, 2008

Tranvestite exhibition

Palermo woods is a park filled with hundreds of Buenos Aires locals running, walking, cycling, roller blading by day. One night I cycled around the lake in the centre of Palermo woods, in amazement. This road was lined with transvestites, competing to gain the attention of the men in cars passing by. On POP fm radio, a local palermo radio station anouncer stated that, "3000 men pass by everynight". Cars go round and round as if lost in a supermarket maze. In search tranvestite which simulates a fantasy, a desire in the moment. Like products in a department store, each Transvestite tries to out do the other in appearance.

I am very interested the fact that many hetersexual men don t identify them selves as gay, but have sex with tranvestites. Transvestites subconsciously try to look like the sort of women they find most attractive and therefore wish to emulate there appearance. Perhaps that is why transvestites adopt slutty looks, an echo of the paradoxical hetersexual desire to date sluts, but eventually marry a virgin.

The director of Pink Flamingos and Hairstray, commented on the subject, "I know that dragg queens and transsexuals are always chased by men who seem to identify as being straight. Most transvestites I know in America have told me that straight men want transvestites to fuck them up the ass".

Perhaps consumerism is teaching people how to daydream about commodites, about other sexual bodies, fantasis, to daydream. Through make up, fashion and of course one can change there appearance. This become a simalaca, an illusion of something else. Perhap due to this illusion hetersexual men believe they are with a women. An illusion of something they desire, dream about.

My image has placed the transexual as a art piece, an object of desire.

You can look, Desire, fantasis, but don t touch unless you have a black American Express credit card

LOCATION SKETCH in Recoleta gardens

Technical sketch of the structural set up for the gallery fense and mirror stage rised off the ground

Technical and location image - this is a post Photoshop image after the four four coffee jars used to left the mirror off the ground have been removed in photoshop.

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