Tuesday, January 8, 2008


LOCATION IMAGE + explanation

This architectual construct of scaffolding, acts as a support to this ageing historic church. From the angle I have selected for this photographic production, shot from below looking upward. This construct could appair like a tectonic ladder to heaven in biblical terms.

In my image, the model appairs suspended in space. Similar to effect, when experiencing a reflective virtual archtiectual space. The model hangs, suspended in limbo, between two worlds, the virtual and the real. This has become more and more blurred and our modern architectnological environments.

In this locational image, this support could symbolise the church falling apart, in a world progressing forward into new beliefs and forms of spirituality.




Architecture, Photog
raphy and cinema exist in the dimention of time and movement. Fashion and Theatre relate to the way we move through, interact with, experience architecture. Buenos Aires city is a stageset, in which to explore these themes. Constructing various staged photographic productions. Since the completion of the first year of Interior design, glass has fasinated me. Mirror in my current project has been used as a direct relationship to Mies Van der Rohes, German Pavilion in Barcelona, (1929) His exploration of surfaces reflecting of one another, creating a virtual space, a light weight space. I am interested in way mirror oscillates between materialism and illusionism. The steel columns are covered by a mirrored surface, becoming almost invisible, a void in space. Mirror in my work acts as platform, or device to separate, isolate each subject from the environment they stand. The mirrored platform reflected the surrounding environment, disapearing in space. Glass, has become a central theme for exploration in my work. The interplay in glass and light at particular time of the day in reveals and disguises the interior and exterior space becoming a mirror in one moment and translucient in another moment. This ever changing interplay of light and reflective surface fasinates me. The buildings reflect each other and thereby cut a void in the cultural space of the city. Mirror in my work is used to disguise, distort, producing voids, perhap openings into other spaces. To conclude this Statement, this is an exploration into understanding and to articulate the surface between the experiencing self and the architectural utopia we live in. “It is us, It is you, It is them” is the 2008 theme and related to very fact that we surrounded by reflected surfaces contstantly changing through the interplay of light.

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